Tha Entertainment Board

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newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 2nd Round West Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 1 41 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 10, 2004 15:28:46 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 2nd Round West Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 1 37 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 10, 2004 15:27:46 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region OVERTIME!!!
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 1 46 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 10, 2004 15:26:46 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region OVERTIME!!!
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 1 46 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 10, 2004 15:25:47 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Trouble
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 0 44 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:55:33 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 3 53 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:51:59 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 42 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:50:38 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 44 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:49:09 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 47 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:47:51 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 50 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:46:36 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 40 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:45:16 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 46 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:44:06 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round South Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 48 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:42:57 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 39 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:41:24 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 38 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:40:07 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 44 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:38:43 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 41 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:37:24 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 37 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:35:51 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 41 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:34:48 GMT -5
newPollBookmarkLockedFalling 1st Round East Region
"The Outsider" Bill Yankowy 2 39 by "The Outsider" Bill Yankowy
Mar 9, 2004 15:33:33 GMT -5


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